
Another Owl Labs study of people aged 22 to 65, found that 62% of them work remotely at least some of the time. According to a recent Owl Labs study, remote work stats 2022 16% of all businesses around the world are now fully remote. This means that most of these businesses do not have any physical office at all!

  • Remote workers can also put out just as much if not more productivity than traditional on-site workers.
  • Decoupling jobs and locations doesn’t mean remote workers are paid less, but instead, your salary is more likely to be tied directly to performance and KPIs.
  • Further revealed that 66% of respondents would stay on with the company but would be less happy if not allowed to work remotely.
  • Accordingly, the use of online collaboration tools skyrocketed — making it easier for companies to communicate and collaborate with their employees even from afar.

Microsoft also examined the impact of solid workplace relationships on those with thriving relationships and those with struggling connections outside and inside their team. When people trust each other, they are more likely to establish stronger relationships, Microsoft’s report stated. According to the Future of Work Survey done by PwC, almost the same number of executives (77%) and employees (72%) agree that leaders and employees have a high level of trust. Another 47% are more likely to prioritize family and personal life over work. Only 8% said that nothing has changed since they started working remotely.

The average one-way commute time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes

GoodHire’s State Of Remote Work In 2021 study surveyed 3,500 U.S. workers and found that 45% of workers plan to immediately quit their job if they were forced to return to the office full-time. 31% said that they would be «extremely likely» to look for a new job if they lost the ability to work remotely. We’re still in the early days of remote work, and for many employers, there’s still an ongoing belief that open-plan offices are the best way to increase collaboration and productivity and to save costs. This increase likely directly correlated to a dramatic shift to remote work in 2020, as new remote workers struggle to find balance and separate work from home life. New employees tend to struggle with this balance even more, as remote work makes it easier to overcompensate in an attempt to build trust with coworkers. Owl Labs’ remote work report identified unnecessary or too many meetings as a significant challenge of remote work for employees.

  • The previously mentioned remote work report by Hubstaff revealed that about 27% of respondents find working across different time zones problematic.
  • Although this is a 46% decline compared to data from January 2022, remote work has still changed how people perceive and complete work.
  • Less stress from lack of commute, familiar space, and lack of distractions all contribute to increased productivity while working remotely .
  • They needed comfortable and mentally stimulating environments for work.
  • The WFH potential in mid-income countries averages 23.9% , dropping to 18.7% .

In 2020, the collaborative software market generated an estimated $16 billion. Microsoft’s Zoom competitor has increased from 13 million monthly users in July 2019. “I would consider leaving my co-located company for a remote role” also saw a 10% drop, receiving 62% of votes in 2020 compared to 52% in 2021. Two thirds of business are making new investments in conferencing software. The age group are still working from their company office, compared to 45% of them who chose to work from home. There are different tendencies according to the age and sex of employees when it comes to teleworking.

Remote Work Benefits: Employer Edition

Some would even be willing to take a pay cut for the possibility of working remotely. Employees that have gone remote full-time make up 18% of the global workforce and in the US that number is 4.3%, which is around 4.3 million people. However, while remote work is expanding, up to 44% of companies do not allow their employees to work remotely. Generally speaking, remote workers are happier to be working from home than going to the traditional office environment. That is because they get a life-work balance by making time for loved ones or a new hobby.

Which country has the most remote workers?

Using data from Eurostat and Statista, Remote also revealed that 65 per cent of the working population in the Netherlands worked at least partially remotely in 2022. The Netherlands is way out in front, with Luxembourg coming in second place with 54.4 per cent, and Sweden third with 51.8 per cent.

GitLab’s remote work report also revealed that 81% of people are satisfied with their productivity. The good news for employers is that remote employees are also less likely to use sick time, as the findings from Global Workplace Analytics indicate. In 2022, Owl Labs calculated how much remote workers save daily on commuting, arriving at an estimated $19,11 per day. Read on to learn about what benefits remote workers have been enjoying since they started working from home. In Buffer’s Remote Work Statistics for 2022, 24% of remote employees cited loneliness as another big challenge of remote work.

Remote work trends across the world

However, working from home statistics show that the opposite is true because most people report that they get more done while at home. This could be because they save time since there is no commute, and they face fewer distractions at home. This means they can work at the times of the day when they feel their productivity will peak. Also, there is time for hobbies or looking after your kids since you can work around scheduling conflicts. Finally, commuting to work becomes a thing of the past when you work remotely.